

Aqui está algo que vale, sinceramente, a pena conhecer e...fruir, sendo uma das formas, «halfmachine», como se «escreve mutantemente» a (nossa) cultura contemporânea. Trouxe-nos à memória um certo grupo e uma certa experiência urbana experienciada aquando da «nossa» Expo... E se, pelo que dizem, antes tivermos lido (ou relido) os «Ferreiros e Alquimistas» (Eliade), talvez que muitas destas experiências tomem um outro sentido mais profundo....A revisitar (e o Verão aí tão perto- performance incluída na [Player] Conference).

Como se escreve na apresentação:

HALF MACHINE is interactive art installations, dance performance and concert event - collaborative art experiments involving the audience.

An international group of artists create large scale light installations, water installations, aerial suspensions, pyrotechnics, high voltage labs and more from recycled materials and electronic wizardry. HALF MACHINE is inviting both spectators and artists into dialog and interaction including live musicians and fearless dancers in the air and on the ground. Half Machine creates a compelling transformative space and a multilevel interactive performance experience. HALF MACHINE is inspired by the theme
"meltage man and machine".

"Objects and dancers are suspended in a giant mobile, robots, video art and live concerts in water and light - a crazy and surreal eco system in the midst of an electronic playground"
"All installations are interactive, the artists playing with discarded technology and recycled objects merging with the inventions of tomorrow"
"The art is cross connected in a mega grid, patterns and developments triggered by random human interaction. All artists are present throughout the event, and the art/technology and body experiments constantly evolving!"

HALF MACHINE is an artist collective based in Copenhagen, check out the new art ship M/S Half Machine.



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powered by: CANALPT
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